Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 
It's been an incredibly busy 4 months and last year at this time I would have never figured my life to have changed so much. We started the year like everyone other year, in the same house, same job, same friends (glad you're all here), and same routine. Half way through we decided to sell our home and move to a house that needed several renovations and updating. It's been challenging to say the least and often times I've wondered why we decided to take on such a project with our busy lives but we're here and I'm finally beginning to see why we've ventured into this. I'll show you pictures when it's complete. 
Everyday I wake up and find the strength to get out of bed and go to work knowing that my life isn't structured or quiet. I come home and enter into chaos which, if you know me isn't the way I like to live my life. There have been really hard days where we don't see any progress and others where I see the changes we've made coming together. I think this house has taught me to be patient and not always have everything done when I want it done. It's okay to wait for some stuff or wait for jobs to be complete. It's also taught me that I can operate power tools. I'm still not very good at hammering in nails but I do know how to paint a room with ease and I'm quite good at it. I am capable of learning how to do things and that I am quite handy when I need to be.
I believe this last 4 months, had taught me how to go with the flow and deal with stress and the uncontrollable. I can't control every situation and I've had a lot of disappointments while doing this house. As a couple we've dealt with them together. I've also learned that Darcy has been the best thing for me. He's been my rock, support system, helper, carpenter, handyman and assistant. He's made numerous phone calls, made arrangements for flooring/appliances/furnace repair guys, taken our dog for surgery, taken time off work, and he's been there when I needed meals at school or when things needed to be done at the house. We work as a great team. Sometimes it feels like World War 3 is going to break out but in the end, we work it out and learn that we need to listen to each other.  We've got the same work ethic and standards. He's done an amazing job on a huge project (I can't tell you now but will soon). I'm happy to know that when I ask for a job to be done it gets done. 
So in all, even though my life is chaotic now, I know that 2013 will come and go just like 2012. I'll have more adventures and unpredictable moments that cause me to rethink my decisions but I know it will all be okay because I've got a partner who's there for me and will be with me through thick and thin. 
Hopefully, 2012 has taught you some lessons. In reflecting about the year that's past, remember that you can handle things when you've got great friends, supportive family and a spouse who supports you. Enjoy the very last hour or more of 2012. Looking forward to sharing more of our home renovations and adventures in 2013 with all of you. 
Bring on 2013....

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